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Survey: 7 ways men view relationships differently than women

Is modern life changing the way men and women relate to each other or do traditional ideals still rule?  The results of the 4th Annual Great Male Survey, which was conducted by leading men’s lifestyle site AskMen, reveal some shifting gender dynamics when it comes to dating and relationships. For the second year in a row, AskMen has teamed up with Cosmopolitan.com to loop in the thoughts of the fairer sex through the Great Female Survey. The answers from both genders show that while some old-fashioned values are still going strong, the tables are starting to turn when it comes to other aspects of relationships.

A whopping 85% of men claim that they wouldn’t mind having a partner who makes more money than they do, but the majority of men surveyed (59%) said that they still think it’s the man’s responsibility to pay for dates until the relationship is established, proving that chivalry is not dead.


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